Tryon Girls Scouts from 1938

Published 3:30 pm Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The above photo is a group of Tryon Girls Scouts from 1938. First row, from left: Carolyn Spiegel, Nancy Morton, Marie Arledge, Ann Brundage and Elizabeth Anne Vining. Second row, from left: Marian Shields, Ruth Butler, Marian Bridgman, Jean Derby, Gelolo Iris Kell, Frances Helms and Muriel Derby. Third row, from left: Evelyn Cromer, Ethel Rushing, Doris McClure, Hope Schilletter, Jane Brand, Catherine Edwards, Dorothy Milliken and Ann Clark. Back row, from left: Catherine McKaig, Ruth Ross (Girl Scout leader), Estelle Pace (fifth grade teacher and Girl Scout Troop Leader) and an unidentified scout. (photo submitted)

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