Landrum Cemetery trees in trouble
Published 3:23 pm Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Cemetery seeks assistance in repairing damage
There was surprisingly little damage when a large oak fell in Landrum Cemetery several months ago, but the price of cleanup is never surprisingly little. Now faced with the expense of hiring an arborist for evaluations of the remaining trees, followed by preservation treatments or removals, the Landrum Cemetery Perpetual Care Association hopes citizens will want to help maintain the look of this important and historic property.
Last summer, with assistance from the Landrum Community Development Committee, the Association was able to remove the front section of old fencing and create an attractive entrance. Thompson Landscaping made every effort to recreate the look of Landrum’s old walls. The committee plans future improvements and welcomes your comments and suggestions.
The Landrum Cemetery is supported solely through donations and receives no funding from the City of Landrum or the county. If you would like to help preserve this old cemetery, make your check payable to the Spartanburg County Foundation, clearly marked for the “Landrum Cemetery Fund.” Send it directly to The Spartanburg County Foundation, 424 E. Kennedy Street, Spartanburg, S.C. 29302.