Cathy Smith Bowers featured speaker at AAUW meeting Feb. 28

Published 10:23 am Friday, February 18, 2011

Cathy Smith Bowers, Poet Laureate of North Carolina, will be the featured speaker at the Monday, Feb. 28 meeting of the Area Association of University Women (AAUW).

Cathy Smith Bowers

Bowers was born and reared, one of six children, in the small mill town of Lancaster, S.C. Her poems have appeared in such publications as The Atlantic Monthly, The Georgia Review, Poetry, The Southern Review, The Kenyon Review and Ploughshares.

Bowers served for many years as the poet-in-residence at Queens University in Charlotte where she received the 2002 JB Fuqua Distinguished Educator Award. She now teaches in the Queens MFA program and at Wofford. She is the author of five collections of poetry.

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Bowers will read selections of her poetry and talk about her work. This program will be presented at 1 p.m. at Tryon Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall on Feb. 28 and is open to the public. Refreshments will be served.