American Legion, VFW give Polk gift to honor Veterans Day
Published 1:53 pm Thursday, November 11, 2010
The American Legion and local VFW posts presented the Polk County Board of Commissioners a framed print of the historic Polk County Courthouse last week in honor of Veterans Day. Commissioners pictured are chair Cindy Walker, vice-chair Ray Gasperson, Rene McDermott, Warren Watson and Tommy Melton. American Legion Post #250 members pictured are Morton Poliakoff, Michael Collins (commander), Glenn Burgess, Frank Ortiz and John Johnson. VFW Post #9116 members pictured are Scott Camp (commander), Joyce Preston (Ladies Auxiliary President) and Lisa Krolack (Ladies Auxiliary). Also pictured is Darrel Moore, Polk County Veterans Service Officer. Krolack was also presented a plaque last week by the veterans for her fundraising to help Columbus purchase property adjacent to veterans park. (photo by Leah Justice)