ACTHA Competitive Trail Challenge hosted at Derbyshire October 31

Published 4:26 pm Monday, November 8, 2010

On Sunday, October 31, Derbyshire Equestrian Development was the scene of an American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) Competitive Trail Challenge hosted by Re-Ride Tack Shop in Columbus.

Using the more than six miles of trails that surround Lake Cain (locally known as Lake Sandy Plains), 21 ACTHA riders and mounts from as far away as Maryland and as close as Columbus competed for ACTHA points and prizes.

The ACTHA is home based in Texas but since its conception four years ago, hundreds of affiliates from across the United States run six to 10 mile trail rides. Along the trail are six to 10 obstacles that the rider and horse team must navigate in proper form as they are scored by ACTHA trained judges.

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After everyone returns off the trails, scores are added and awards are handed out. The scores are posted on the ACTHA website. The team of horse and rider are then able to see how they rank in the yearly regional award system. Points for the horse stay with it for its lifetime, making the horse a much more valuable trail partner.

The weather was perfect as the riders were judged on such obstacles as a bridge crossing, a side pass and a water crossing. The obstacles were placed at strategic locations around the lake at Derbyshire. Susan Sloan of Clover, S.C., riding her 16-year-old Quarterhorse Warmblood cross Ben, scored the highest in the open division to win the blue ribbon along with her choice of two prizes off of the prize table. She also was awarded $150 in ACTHA bucks to be redeemed at the many ACTHA sponsors.

The winner of the pleasure division was Megan Campbell of Liberty, N.C., with six-year-old Andy, a spotted draft. They too received a blue ribbon, prizes and $150 in ACTHA bucks. Over $600 in ACTHA bucks were awarded in first through sixth placing.

A little 18-year-old Morgan/Quarterhorse cross by the name of Tango Too earned enough points at this ride to reach his ACTHA Bronze Medal Standing. Tango Too and his rider, Ron Syrko of Lincolnton, N.C., have participated in all three local rides, Croft State Park, The Biltmore and Derbyshire, that Re-Ride has hosted along with other ACTHA sanctioned rides this year. They were recently interviewed by Tom Seay of the Best of America on Horseback TV show to be aired the end of November.

Awards also given out were to those that signed up first in their division, best groomed mount, and the low score award, this time a bouquet of fall flowers.

For more information about competitive trail challenges, visit the website or call Re-Ride at 828-863-2770. Re-Ride is always looking for area locations to hold more of these rides. To learn more about Derbyshire visit or call 800-615-8533.