Thirteen Saluda artists part of Art Trek Tryon

Published 3:10 pm Friday, July 23, 2010

Precisely the least, the softest, lightest, a lizards rustling, a breath, a flash, a moment – a little makes the way

of the best happiness. ~ Frederich Nietzsche

Welcome to mid-July Saluda notes and notations. Summer pleasures: blushing red peaches in a soft blue pottery bowl…butterfly wings drifting over summer flowers, early morning mist rising through green fields, peepers singing and fireflies dancing in the dusk, ripe sweet watermelon slices….

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Mark Your Calendars: The fun and fabulous second annual Art Trek Tryon open studio event happens the weekend of July 24-25th. On Friday July 23 from 5-8 p.m. a preview party kicks off the weekend at Upstairs Artspace, 49 South Trade Street, Tryon, N.C. beside the Tryon Theater.

All 41 artists on the studio tour will have work displayed in the gallery for six weeks. During the weekend,&bsp; studios are open to the public.

Saluda has 13 participating artistsJim Carson, Mark Gardner, Stoney Lamar, Kelly McCullough, Bill Ryan, John Waddill, Eva Kovacs, Holly Wilkes, Bill and Anne Jameson, Beverly Pickard, Dale McEntire and Bonnie Bardos.&bsp; Jim Carsons studio located downtown above the Saluda Grade will be open, and Bill Ryans studio will be open on Sunday too, so keep that in mind. Please support local art, artists, and the sponsoring businessesyoull find artists not only here in Saluda, but in Columbus, Tryon, Mill Spring, and Green Creek.

Reminder Note: Looking for delicious produce right out of the garden?&bsp; Fresh breads, treats, colorful cut flowers? Check out the Saluda tailgate market on Fridays at the city parking lot off Main Street&bsp; (follow the signs) from 4:30 to 6:30.

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Our very own Tosh Miller from Toshs Whistlestop Cafe was Coon Dog queen. I have watched Tosh turn into a lovely young lady over the years. This Coon Dog parade seemed to be our biggest one ever…and next time I want to join in the vintage VW section the classic double-cab pick-up caught my eye, and I had to control myself from running after itnow that could haul a lot of paintings, yard sale finds, and more!

The Coon to the Moon float with all the Elvises made my daya old school bus was painted white to look like a US space shuttlevisualize blaring Elvis music with Elvis (lots of Elvises!) strutting in front and side. If you missed that, you missed a real sight!

I was tickled to see Verne and Biddie Dawson after the parade was over: theyre enjoying their new home up here in Saluda. Town was packed, but I was glad to see some folks that I knew; the rain held off, thank goodness! &bsp;

The Historic Saluda Committee steering committee consists of: Lynn Cass Chair; Cindy Tuttle Co-Chair; and Martha Ashley, Charlene Pace, Jack Coates, Greaton Sellers, and Gloria Testerman.

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Quick Notes: Saluda Wine & Cheese is moving from Main Street to Ozone Drive near Dr. Kevin Matthews vet office; Sonya Monts is opening a dance studio, Wildflour Bakery has opened a retail shop on the Pearsons Falls side of Nostalgia Courtyard, and Dollar General has now opened on Ozone Drive, and Wards Grill is back in business making folks happy with real hamburgers and mighty good omelets! They are also donating to Saluda Schools playground fund, so thank them for investing in our community.

Around my house, Ive been practicing the old adage of small steps are the beginning of a big journey. Porch step scraping has been one project… a bit at a time… however it seems the more I scrap, the more flaking paint there is… how much paint could be on a few steps?

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Water Saving Tip: Water bills grow higher and higher these days. In order to conserve water and save a bit on your water bill, keep a plastic container or two handy at the sink…so that overflow water goes in it. I use an old cat food jug with handle…and take the water out for porch plants. Youd be surprised how much you catch in one day.

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Thank you all for your remarks and feedback about this column: it just makes my day knowing you all read it. I want you to feel like youre sitting out in the front porch swing drinking tea with me on a sweet summer morning.

Keep in mind if you have something of note, feel free to e-mail me at; or call me at 749-1153.&bsp; You may also visit my website at