Guice explains vote against 2010 state budget
Published 8:10 pm Thursday, July 8, 2010
To the Editor:
This afternoon I made the following remarks on the floor of the North Carolina House of Representatives against the budget bill.&bsp; I still believe that we must find a better way to conduct the business of the people in Raleigh. &bsp;
My friends I stand before you today as a humble servant of the people of my home district and all people throughout North Carolina.&bsp; Since joining this chamber in January of 2009 I have come to know many of you around this room as friends.&bsp; At the very least, you all now know me as someone that will reach across the aisle and put the needs of the people of North Carolina first.&bsp; Always!
Once again we are faced with a terrible budgetary situation and once again I stand here on the floor of the North Carolina House of Representatives and say to you that the people of North Carolina deserve better.&bsp; The process remains broken.&bsp; We still have not established priorities and we still have not made funding decisions based on these priorities. &bsp;
As members of this legislative body we were handed an appropriations act yesterday that we are expected to debate and vote on by the end of today. We are digging a financial hole that will take us generations to fix.&bsp; We are elected to represent the people and give a voice to their needs and their concerns. &bsp;
I sat down and read through this budget and I have to ask the question, where is the voice and the will of the people?&bsp; Where is the vision from this legislative body?&bsp; We are tasked with charting a course, a strong and positive course, for the people of North Carolina.&bsp; Have we done that?&bsp; I would say no. &bsp;
The people expect us to work in a bi-partisan manner to address their issues and by not allowing everyone in this chamber the opportunity to sit at the table we have not done that. The people of North Carolina deserve better…the people of North Carolina deserve our best efforts.
Colleagues, I have another question for you. As a state government, what is our greatest asset?&bsp; If you answered our state employees are our greatest asset you are correct. This budget, if adopted, does not fulfill our promise to our state employees.&bsp; State government makes a promise to each employee when they are hired that they will have a top notch retirement system in place when it comes time for them to retire. &bsp;
Based on this appropriations act it is very possible that we will shirk that responsibility this year.&bsp; We must fund our state retirement system at the levels required to support and protect the promises that have been made to our state employees.&bsp; The time is now to stand up and say that we are going to do better by our state employees and indeed all people throughout North Carolina.&bsp; If you are newly out of college, what is the incentive to be a state employee in North Carolina? &bsp;
I think we can all agree that, unless you are a top department executive who does not work in the field; the pay is not that great.&bsp; As members of this body we have talked and talked about how the state health plan is in dire straits.&bsp; And now we are once again talking about not funding the state retirement system at the required levels.&bsp; Shame on us.&bsp; What is interesting to me is that I have heard for years from people I have great respect for that this is just how the North Carolina General Assembly would treat state employees. &bsp;
One of those people is my high school principal, Mr. Tommy Koontz.&bsp; Unfortunately, I can report back to him that he was right.&bsp;&bsp; We have an obligation to our state employees and all people throughout North Carolina because yes, they deserve better.
Trust me, I could go on and on about the negative points in this budget, but they are too numerous to mention here today.&bsp; I support our teachers, our firefighters, our law enforcement officers, our small business leaders, our nonprofits – truly all of those people throughout North Carolina who sacrifice daily to make their neighbors lives better. &bsp;
Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I cannot and will not support this bill.&bsp; The people of North Carolina deserve better.
The people have been listening.&bsp; The people have been watching.&bsp; And yes, the people have been paying attention.&bsp; Soon it will be time for the people to speak and I believe that they will speak with a resolute voice that change is needed in Raleigh.
Rep. David Guice, District 113, N.C. House
of Representatives