Saluda commissioner OK’d to attend ‘Kudzu U’

Published 6:20 pm Friday, March 12, 2010

City of Saluda Commisioner George Sweet will attend ‘Kudzu U,’ a class to learn what the city can do to control the weed.
On Monday, Betsy Burdett told the city board that the Saluda Community Land Trust is trying to acquire land to construct a nature greenway.
The greenway, she said, will include a portion of the city’s old landfill where dormant kudzu needs to be eradicated. She suggested the city educate residents and conduct a citywide kudzu eradication campaign.
Sweet said he wants to attend the class to learn about eradications effects on the environment. Other commissioners said they are on board as well. Commissioner John Morgan has already attended a kudzu class.
Burdett says the city will likely have to use chemicals or goats to eradicate the kudzu at the former landfill. She suggested volunteers could be gathered to cut down the bulk of the kudzu, then the city could spray chemicals.
“Saludas finally tired of looking at kudzu and is doing something about it,” Burdett said.
The Town of Tryon rented goats a couple years ago to eat the kudzu on a town owned lot next to the IGA. The goats cleared the kudzu, but the pesky vines have since returned. Eradicating kudzu by goats takes a few years, with goats spending about a month on a property at a time and returning a couple times a year.
Goats are often used in areas where streams run through the property to keep harmful chemicals out of water sources.

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