And life goes on

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, April 17, 2014


It’s been a hectic week but things are getting done. Aurora is back at F.H.S. and the final bill on my part was $380. Macho went to Upstate on Tuesday the 15th and will be operated on the 16th and starting his recouping at home on the 17th. His $3,900 bill was shaved down to $3,000 and some have already donated a bit to help Macho. All will be told next week.
I’m still undergoing further tests and exams regarding my health, I’ll keep you posted as I know more but for now, there are better things to discuss.
samba-and-kittens-002Last week Jeanette Larsen and her husband Bert called me about a minister and his wife who moved into town.
Jeanette is a tireless and generous advocate in all things involving animals, thus she is a valued member of my board of directors.  Anyway, the family consists of 7 children, all of which are not at home, and 2 beautiful dogs, all of which are well behaved and well taken care of.  Jeanette met the family and then called me to see if we could help with the dogs. “What’s needed, sis? I call her that now and then.
“They certainly can use a new dog house and whatever else we can get to help out.”  “All right sis, we have lots of surplus items at the shelter that we use for fosters, rescues and needy families, I’ll be at your house around 10 a.m. tomorrow and we’ll handle this.” “You’re the best Lennie.”  “Ah you just say that because it’s true,” I said laughing.
The next morning around 8 a.m. my phone rings, just as I was set to go out and visit Aurora.  It was Jeanette, frantic that she couldn’t reach Dana Mayer (another board member) about a cat she’d finally trapped.  Dana runs the fabulous Po’Kitty program among other things.  “Take it easy Jeanette, we’ll take the cat over to the shelter when we get the other things and then we take it to Landrum vet, it’s what Dana would do anyway.”  “I hate to leave it in the cage so long, Lennie.”  “Just cover the cat Jeanette, it will be fine and then we can visit Aurora together when we go to the vet.”  The prospect thrilled Jeanette for she had met and loves Aurora.  I have to be careful with Jeanette; she’s capable of sticking Bert out in the shed to make room for more animals.  Actually Bert is just as loving and compassionate as his dear wife when it comes to the animals; he’s just not as demonstrative.  As a matter of fact, I don’t believe I know anyone who is as demonstrative as Jeanette Larsen.
Jeanette had been feeding the cat for two months before it finally was trapped and she wasn’t sure if it was male or female.  As the photos show, we subsequently learned that Samba (Jeanette named her) is most certainly female.  Samba may have been a stray but she certainly wasn’t feral.  The purring she emits when given attention certainly gives it away.  Samba had the four kittens shortly after she was brought to Landrum vet, and of course she is being cared for as she nurses her brood at the Larsen’s.
By the way, our minister and his family received a nice igloo house with a big pillowed bed, lots of treats, plus tennis balls and some pull toys for their dogs.
What a wonderful way to bring in the Holy Season, new God loving friends and the celebration of new life.
My prayer this day is that the Good Lord will send His angels to watch over all of my angels out there.
Bless you all and thanks for listening.

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